Saturday 24 January 2009

Bustling Bangkok


Here is the first of many (we hope) blog entries. We have been here in BKK for 4 days or so now and it is amazing how quickly we have fallen into a rhythm. We struggled on the first day with the time change, but we worked hard to make sure we only slept in their night time -- now we are mostly fine. Asleep typically by 9pm and then waking up around 6a.m. for now (well . . . Skye has been waking up closer to 5a.m.) Ronato has been taking advantage of the morning time to take his camera on early morning walks -- it is really fun to see the city waking up -- people are out sweeping and clearing the sidewalks and streets, plants in pots are being watered, Buddhist monks are out making collections, deliveries are being made, etc. etc. Interestingly, as busy and polluted as Bangkok is, people here take real pride in keeping the place looking sharp and tidy.

The contrast between BKK and Victoria could not be more stark. The congestion and general throb of humanity is incredible. Initially it is overwhelming, but one does adapt quickly. Negotiating traffic is lots of work and requires some very sophisticated footwork. Cars do NOT stop for lights or crosswalks, and so it is very hard to cross busy streets without feeling like it might be one's end. Today Skye and I agreed that for the most part, the people here are very assertive in the walking and driving practices and by doing that it all works well. As soon as one hesitates, it seems to result in more confusion than help. Basically, if one sees an opening, you take it and trust that everything will flow around you like liquid.

The kids were initially quite freaked out by negotiating the traffic, but they are becoming more confident and are taking more risks in general in terms of wanting to do more and see more. The Thai people are very warm, friendly and receptive to us as a family. We have done some significant distances now across the city by walking, river taxi, taxi, and sky train and people are very helpful and love the kids. Both of them get regular cheek pinches, winks, smiles and attempted chats. Despite the sense of chaos (compared to Canada) Thai people seem very orderly, law abiding and I must say I feel extremely safe (that goes for Skye, too). In fact, I think I feel safer here than I would in most big North American cities walking the streets at night. Part of it is that people are everywhere all of the time. Every city block is filled with stalls selling all manner of things, and families are outside all of the time . . . eating . . . sitting . . . chatting . . . working etc.

At 9pm the temperature is easily 25C and the streets are filled with people sitting at tables on the streets and eating at stalls. Its seems that every city block here has endless eating options and people frequenting them all of the time. It never seems to correspond to traditional meal times, as we know it. I suspect that most families eat out all/most the time . . . due to cramped living spaces and the fact that so many food options exist on their door steps. As for the food - it is better than one could imagine. Thai food is so delicious, and the ingredients are always freshly put together right in front of you, making it so much better. Testimony to how good it is - is the fact that our kids have been lapping up the meals. They love it and are even tolerating some of the spiciness. We have been very proud of how they are rising to the occasion and how they are having fun with it -- they have become pros at dodging the open sewers, walking through narrow alleyways with people sleeping in cool corners, steering clear of mangy dogs, wading through throngs of people on the busy stall-laden sidewalks -- and all with a grace and ease that makes it seem like they have been living here their whole lives!

So this is it for Bangkok for now -- the beach and the warm, turquoise waters of the south beckon -- and so, our next destination is Krabi and from there we think a place called Railay. We'll keep you posted!

Boogying in Bangkok,

Ronato, Kai, Pippin & Skye


  1. It sounds like you are off to a great start! I look forward to following your adventure, and we are thinking about meeting you in Hills at the end of it:-)

  2. when I arrived in bangkok we went straight to the open air market which is located above the main sewerage system of Bangkok,with the immense humidity,the overwhelming smell of the sewer,the combination of all the cooking smells and the overripe fruit ,i was very ill and had to be rushed to our hotel -it took me 2 days to acclimatize !!!-then i just became part of all the smells and pollution-i loved it-I am looking forward to hearing Elbie s experience on this blog ...she was pregnant...come on Elbs skat -waar is jy ???but I know how you guys feel -cheers Alex

  3. WOW! Great description. I feel like I'm there along with you. I'm so glad you guys are enjoying yourselves and having a good time. I look forward to the next update. Lots of love and hugs, Jennifer and family

  4. Hi!Awesome blog!I am looking forward to your next update.We all miss you here in Victoria.i can't believe people in Bangkok don't stop at lights!!!bye!

    from jack

  5. **************************************

    Hi Pippin (and everyone else)...

    The picture of you by the Temple looks cool...

    We miss you...



    hi from are you are liking bangkok...we miss you...


  6. hey kai,
    i'm stil going to get your nose!!!
    we miss you allready....
    what are you erting!?

    PS did you get my card?

  7. oh ya don't get hit bye of those wierd car's!


  8. hi, kai
    it's linden!
    da monster stil ginna get ya!
    i was playing with my adermachine lasterday!


    PS jasper is stil ginna get your nose!

  9. Hi friends,
    Glad to hear that it is going so well. We miss you and certainly look forward to your updates.
    lots of love
    Anneke and Galen

  10. Hi all,
    Tuli and I loved your photos and the sights, sounds and tastes of Bangkok!

    If you get to Krabi, you might want to check out Ko Lanta; I stayed at the place at the very end of the road, next to the national park. It was wonderful (in 1994) (cabins in the forest canopy with the monkeys), but I shudder to think what the tsunami did to it. I know Railay is gorgeous too. Have fun! We look forward to your next installments.

    Love, Tuli and Laura

  11. Wow, you guys are on the ball! You got this blog up and running so quickly. I love all your details and I can't wait to hear about Krabi when you get there. Miss you tons! Sonya

  12. Hey guys, Sully and I are so jealous!!! And Alden would be too if you were in China! Tilghman doesn't really care where he is as long as he has his legos!
    Looking forward to reading about all your adventures. Have FUN!!!

  13. hey kai,
    ajay's new thing is to eat paper!
    we have 3 cats rite now because we are siting
    my grandma's cats.they are 2 black cats named Barack & michelle i bet you now why...
    did you get the shells yet?

    jim is not me i'm JASPER

  14. hello kai,
    my tooth is very wigily
    aaaaahhhhhh my tooth bothers me!!
    i saw a tiger!!
    wow look theirs a cheeta!!

    tootles FINLEY☻

  15. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rite more!!!!!!!!


  16. Yo Babber,

    Nice comments on the blog! No I have not got the shells yet because I'm not at the beach. Also your not supposed to collect the shells which SUCKS. Ajay's new name is Wallace and my new name is William. Right now I am in Krabi and we are staying here for two nights, then we go to Railay for about a week. See you in two months!

    From, Kai

  17. Hi Mikayla & Lily,
    how are you? Thank you for the note.We are in Krabi.We are going to the beach at Railay for about 6 days.

    I'll write again soon,


  18. Looks fantastic - glad to hear you are having such an awesome time. Love Julie, John, Chloe and Will.

  19. I am sooooo jealous! It all looks so beautiful, exotic and peaceful. There's nobody else on the beach. You must really be relaxed and have left the stresses of every day life far behind. Wish I was there with you!

    It's lovely to hear about each stage of your journey - we really appreciate the time and effort you are putting in, although expect your blogs to dwindle the longer you are away!

    Big hugs,

    Julie oxox
